How does the Vision Action works?

Before you apply

The Vision Action provides different projects with various location, duration and content.
Before you apply, make sure the following points:

Our organization is based in the UK, we offer placement all around the UK. It is very
important to know that not all places are offered in different project duration.

The Vision Action provides options in terms of the project duration. There are 30days, 60days,
and 90 days duration under our projects.

The internship placement can be up to 12 months.
Make sure your time availability before applying for the projects.

How to apply

1. Prepare and submit personal CV

The Vision Action projects has its own data bank with high confidentiality and data protection roles. When you are
planning for the internship/ placement, make sure that you update your CV in the English version and submit it to
our website.

2. Your options

The Vision Actions projects provides big amount of job placement/ internship for the applicants. Make sure that you
have chosen your dreaming industries or positions.

The Job Bank is the database of internship/placement of the Vision Action. Our organization is actively networking
with industries and enterprises all around the UK. Enterprises and industries are looking for interns and they provide
vacancies information to us.

The Vision Action provide participants with reliable internship opportunities from the Job Bank.
For further information, please visit the link: Job Bank

3. Wait for the respond

If applicants and companies satisfied with each other, the project will select the applicants.
The Basic Process: